"Jingle Juice" Cocktail
By Krista Roman
Feeling stressed from holiday preparations? Don't get your tinsel in a tangle. Unwind with this merry little elixir that will have you ready for the Christmas season...with bells on!
Red Moscato Wine - 750 ml, chilled
Prosecco - 750 ml, chilled
100% Cranberry Juice - 4 cups, chilled
Pomegranate Juice - 3 cups, chilled
Vodka - 1/2 cup, chilled
Frozen Cranberries for serving
Rosemary for garnish
Add the chilled Moscato, Prosecco, cranberry juice, pomegranate juice, and vodka to a large punch bowl or drink dispenser.
Serve immediately with sugar-rimmed glasses, frozen cranberries and rosemary garnish.
Optional: Pour over ice for an added chill that will lead you straight to the North Pole.
Special thanks to Sugar and Soul for sharing the images and recipe for this spirited concoction!