The Secret Service Code Names of Eight Presidents and Their First Ladies
By Krista Roman
In the wake of a post-Civil War America, the Secret Service was originally formed as a branch of the U.S. Treasury Department. Its responsibilities included defending the nation against rampant counterfeiting which was a major threat to the country’s financial stability.
This all changed in 1901 after the assassination of President William McKinley. The Secret Service was assigned a new role: protecting the president as well as other high-ranking political leaders and visiting foreign dignitaries.
One of the more intriguing aspects of the Secret Service is the use of code names given to the president, vice president and their family members. As communication technology advanced throughout the twentieth century, it became necessary for agents to use coded names to preserve leaders’ anonymity. In 1945, Harry S. Truman, referred to as “General,” became the first president to be given an official code name (although at least two prior first ladies received monikers of their own).
The following are eight first couples and the meaning behind each of their official Secret Service code names:
First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and President John F. Kennedy, Inauguration Day 1961.
Jacqueline Kennedy and John F. Kennedy: Lace and Lancer.
The Kennedys all shared the first initial of L for their Secret Service code names. “Lancer,” was bestowed upon President Kennedy in reference to Camelot (presumably as a nod to Sir Lancelot), while “Lace” was given to First Lady Jackie due to her elegance. Most first families share the same first initial for their official code names. Once someone is assigned Secret Service protection, they choose their code name from an approved list of names provided by the White House Communications Agency.
President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter, Inauguration Day 1977.
Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter: Deacon and Dancer.
Jimmy Carter’s code name “Deacon” reflected his strong religious faith while “Dancer” simply echoed Rosalynn’s love for dancing. Prior to their tenure in the White House, the Carters were stationed in Hawaii during Jimmy’s time in the Navy. Rosalynn became a champion hula dancer and wrote in her autobiography that dancing was also a passion the couple, who were married for 77 years, loved to do together. Fascinatingly, the Carters met when Jimmy was three and Rosalynn just one-day-old. Their marriage is the longest in presidential history and Jimmy Carter, who passed away at the age of 100 at the end of 2024, was the oldest living president in history.
First Lady Nancy Reagan and President Ronald Reagan, Inauguration Day 1981.
Nancy Reagan and Ronald Reagan: Rainbow and Rawhide.
Before taking the role as Commander in Chief, Ronald Reagan was a Hollywood actor, starring in many Western films. “Rawhide” made for an appropriate choice, whereas the origin of “Rainbow” is less certain for First Lady Nancy Reagan. One biographer suggests it referenced her colorful personality. Nancy Reagan was fond of New Age practices such as metaphysics and often enlisted the guidance of professional astrologers during her time in the White House.
President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton, Inauguration Day 1993.
Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton: Eagle and Evergreen.
The Secret Service designation for President Clinton is in reference to his time as an Eagle Scout. Hillary’s code name of “Evergreen” seems less apparent but ‘pant-suitably’, the former First Lady continued to use the name during her own 2008 and 2016 presidential campaigns.
President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, Inauguration Day 2001.
George W. Bush and Laura Bush: Trailblazer and Tempo.
President George W. Bush went by “Tumbler” when his father, George H.W. Bush (“Timberwolf”) was President. But when W entered office in 2001, ironically enough, the ‘nepo baby’ decided to be called “Trailblazer.” First Lady Laura Bush, regarded for her soft-spoken and private nature, was called “Tempo.”
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, Inauguration Day 2009.
Barack Obama and Michelle Obama: Renegade and Renaissance.
When given a list of code names starting with the letter R, President Obama notably chose “Renegade” (defined as someone who is a traitor and betrays their country). First Lady Michelle Obama opted for “Renaissance”, reportedly a reflection of her desire to redefine the traditional role of First Lady.
First Lady Jill Biden and President Joe Biden, Inauguration Day 2021.
Jill Biden and Joe Biden: Capri and Celtic.
Former First Lady Jill Biden kept the same Secret Service code name of “Capri” that she had when she served as Second Lady. This name represents her Italian heritage while former President Joe Biden’s choice of “Celtic” mirrors his Irish ancestry.
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Inauguration Day 2017.
Donald Trump and Melania Trump: Mogul and Muse.
President Trump, recognized around the world as a real estate magnate, reality television star, and esteemed entrepreneur, appropriately chose the Secret Service code name “Mogul.” First Lady Melania Trump, a former high-fashion model, fittingly selected “Muse.”