The Karmic Energy of Donald Trump.

To understand what the future around Donald Trump holds we need to understand the karmic energies in which he was born. We're going to use a few methods of trying to explain who he is as a person which will give the reading greater guidance and impact. We are going to first look at his Life Path Number. This is the journey of one's spirit over the entirety of their life. Then we're going to look at the energy of the year which he was born using Chinese Astrology which will give us a look at the overarching themes of his life's journey when it comes to the spirit of personality. Finally we'll look at his Western Natal Birth Chart; which will give us a look at specific aspects of energy influence of his day to day decision making.

Life Path 4: Labor of the Sun

Life Path 4: Labor of the Sun

Let's begin by looking at his life Path. When we add the numbers of Donald Trump's birth and reduce it down to a single digit he has an individual life path of 4. The energy which surrounds four's is that of hard-work, justice and restoring balance to the world. The traits of a fours are stability, respect for the letter of the law, and long held traditions. This can lead those that are life path fours to over idealize and become nostalgic for the past. When it comes to career Fours gravitate to fields of politics and commerce related fields. They often make good managers, accountants and bankers. On the downside they become irritated when someone is not serious, ineffective, or outright incompetent. They tend have and inspire in others confidence, and are very good when it comes to creating processes to accomplish their goals. People with this life path number tend to be very oriented with the material side of life, seeking wealth, wanting to be surrounded with the finer things in life. We can see all of this in great abundance in Mr. Trump. Now this overarching energy is tempered by the energy of the his birth year.

The Chinese Zodiac. Donald Trump was born in 1946, the year of the Dog. 

The Chinese Zodiac. Donald Trump was born in 1946, the year of the Dog. 

To look at that energy we turn to the East, and look at his Chinese Astrology. President Elect Trump was born in 1946 the year of the FIRE DOG. In Chinese Astrology you have both the sign and the element under which you were born. The Sign gives you the mind, whereas the element gives you the drive. It is worth mentioning at this point the First Lady Marlenia Trump was also born in year of the Dog, but she was born under the element of metal.

President Elect Trump being born in the year of the dog we see the theme of love of family and intense loyalty. The dog represents justice and equality. So we can how this energy is symbiotic to his life path number of 4. Dogs are ever ready go to the defense of someone who is unjustly being attacked either in word or deed. They are known as the most humanitarian of the animal signs, and there interest in people is genuine and warm. They are known to give, often to their own detriment. These are people which will sacrifice their won dreams, ambitions and desires for the sake of others especially those they love. And it would be fair to say that President Elect Trump whether you liked him or not did go through a period of great sacrifice this election season. And we can see that family as a spiritual theme is strong for Donald Trump. Through out his public life the family has been at the center, but more on that later. Dogs tend to be magnanimous and prosperous often chasing fame and riches. They have a tendency towards self-righteous behavior and tend and their dogged personality and lend them to be stiff and dogmatic of opinion. They are often guarded which on the shadow side lead them to become cynical. This however, is balanced out in Mr. Trumps Western Natal chart. However, the sharp acid tongue and disagreeable remarks of a dog are also reinforced in his Natal Chart. Dogs however, bark when they feel there is injustice and a need to restore balance to a situation. Dogs are often quick of thought even when you think they're at rest and highly imaginative. Thus, bringing a balance to the Life Path Number. As you can see the harmony which these energies interact to give us the man we've come to know over 40 years yet the picture is still incomplete.  

To understand his actions from a daily perspective we look at his natal chart and his personal planets. I need to take a moment and mention that Vedic Indian and Common Western Astrology are slightly different and your Sun sign might be different under theses systems. We don't have the time to compare the two. Since this show is based in America we will be using Western Astrology. We will only be covering the Ascendant and the inner most planets, ignoring Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, in the interest of time.

The lover's card can indicate someone born under the sun sign of Gemini. Donald Trump was born in early June.

The lover's card can indicate someone born under the sun sign of Gemini. Donald Trump was born in early June.

Finally we come to President Elect Trump's natal chart. President Trump was born in early June under the Sun sign of Gemini. The Sun sign which is the newspaper horoscope sign and probably the least important when it comes to influencing energy. The Moon, and the ascendant are far more important as to the personality. The Sun generally covers career. So we will see how Gemini will influence President Trump when it comes to how he thinks and what kind of work he will enjoy. Gemini need work that stimulates both communication and intellect. The work must be challenging and non-repetitive to keep this curious spirit invested. Like a life Path number 4 and dog the work must be surrounded in solving a problem, or puzzle. Politics & Law is the natural home for career for someone born under this Sun sign.



Donald Trump's Moon Sign.

The moon covers emotions

The moon covers emotions

Now we get to the hidden of Mr. Trump, his actual soul. His Moon Sign. This planet, is in the house of Sagittarius when he was born, and he would be better served reading this horoscope if he does than Gemini. The real Donald Trump is curious, energetic, extroverted, enthusiastic, optimistic and thrilled by change. People with a Sagittarius soul like to travel, in order to find the deeper meaning of life, by experiencing different people, thoughts, and cultures. They often transform their thoughts into actions, and achieve there goals. This aspect of his personality is reinforced by his life path and Chinese karmic energies. However, here is where we find the reinforcement of the shadow side of the dog.

Sagittarius people are often tactless and impolitic when they need to say do something. And when it comes to injustice it is impossible for either to hold back from trying to address it. Donald Trump from what we can see as members of the public has both the light and shadow side when to comes to a Sagittarius personality. The strengths of idealism, generousness and sense of humor and weakness's of promising more then he can deliver, impatience, and undiplomatic bluntness.

Mercury is the planet covering commuincation.  

Mercury is the planet covering commuincation.  

Which brings us to the planet of communication Mercury. This planet is in the sign of Cancer. The sign of home and hearth. When President Elect Trump Speaks he is well meaning, and trying to be sincere coming a good and honest place, however his Saittarinan nature gets in the way of effective communication. It is best for him to think twice speak once, and edit 4 times.   

Since we're in the sign of Cancer we will talk about the placements of his Venus and Saturn. Venus is the planet of close personal relationships. This being the sign of home and hearth it is impossible for him to separate himself from his family to do so would violate his most dominate personality aspect with three personal planets placed in his sign. How he speaks, how he feels, and how he learns (Saturn) are all in this sign. This with the other karmic aspects of his birth is why President Elect Trump will never be able to separate his himself from his families council. We first saw this with the close bonds with his father as a young man, even writing about it. You can hear the deep trauma that the passing of his brother had on him when he speaks of him. Now you can see it with his children and the trust he places in them seeking their council but, how he teaches them especially Ivanka. His family teaching them by showing, is his spiritual heart to remove it would mean death.

The Strength card is the card which indicates Leo.  The Fixed fire sign, and the glory of the sun.  

The Strength card is the card which indicates Leo.  The Fixed fire sign, and the glory of the sun.  

Finally the spiritual mask or the persona we have seen in public for many years, his Ascendant the Leo, cusp Virgo. The Ascendant is the sign that was breaching the horizon as born and it is only there for 2 hours out of one day. Donald Trump's is Leo at the 29º So the face the Mr. Trump has shown the world is Leo the lion. Which explains the hair, they often have big lion like mains, and his brash larger than life persona.

However President Trump in truth is a philosophical extrovert, homebody at his very core trying to impart wisdom and justice for all his loved ones and those he touches.