The Theft of the American Dream

To anyone noticing, something feels off. A lively nation once filled with friends, laughter, great music, Hollywood's sparkle, and affordable shopping has faded into memory. An unsettling shift has occurred, leaving many of us questioning the very fabric of our daily lives. Why does everything feel gone or empty? Why do the vibrant scenes of community and abundance seem overshadowed by an eerie stillness?  To uncover this mystery, we need to explore the idea of a "zombie economy", where the economy is struggling and unable to achieve robust growth, yet continues to function at a very low level, often propped up by external support.

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John Carroll Comments
Albert Pike’s Three World Wars Prophecy

Researchers who study Freemasonry, and its role in shaping the modern world, will inevitably come across the name Albert Pike, a prominent 33rd Degree Mason who lived in the nineteenth century. Pike has become a controversial figure today, due to a letter he is accused of writing to an Italian colleague in 1871, in which he allegedly prophesized that three world wars must be waged before Lucifer would reign over the world.

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John Carroll Comment
The Fourth Turning

Something big is coming. Everyone can sense it just beyond the horizon. It’s alluded to every day by two primary terms – the Great Reset and the Great Awakening.  When examined through more of an apolitical and anthropological lens, however, another term which has gained traction recently is the Fourth Turning.

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John CarrollComment
The Golden Cover-Up

It’s no secret to the Quite Frankly audience that 9/11 was an inside job. Mountains of evidence prove not only the crime, but a conspiracy to create a new order out of the manufactured chaos. The future 9/11 created is obvious for all to see, but a closer look at the history which led up to that fateful morning leads to a stunning revelation – that one of the all-time greatest cover-ups of a crime was actually a cover-up of countless other crimes.

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John CarrollComment
Divine Precision & the Mystery of Creation

The Great Pyramid of Giza is an enigma that has confounded humanity for thousands of generations. Most of the academic establishment today teaches that it was a built as a tomb, and focuses its questions on the construction. Peering beneath the veneer of mainstream scholarship, however, opens our eyes to something much more consequential. It is not hyperbole to suggest that what has been written off as an ego-driven burial ground may actually be the most important structure on Earth, and may even hold the key to unlocking the mystery of creation.

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John CarrollComment
World War Truth

When Carl von Clausewitz famously defined war as “a continuation of politics by other means,” those two sides of the same coin were still two distinct sides. That is not the case today, as political systems all over the world have failed their people, who have been forced to seek political solutions through other means. If we factor in Marshall McLuhan’s theory about the nature WWIII, we may come to realize that we’re actually in the midst of WWIII.

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John CarrollComment
Gamergate: The Shot Heard Round the World

“In the wake of the storming of the US Capitol on January 6 by Trump supporters, bystanders on social media had plenty to say about the root causes and contributing factors that may have led to this flash point. Among these was Gamergate,” according to Vox, “the year-long harassment campaign from 2014 to 2015 that eventually became subsumed into the greater rise of the alt-right movement online.”

Fact Check: TRUE

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John CarrollComment
The 8 Goddesses of South Korea

Imagine a reporter at a White House press conference asking Joe Biden, “Will you comment on the conspiracy theories about you being a puppet who’s controlled by Satanists?” Imagine Biden responding, “Yes, that’s true. I’m deeply sorry and I hope the American people can forgive me.” That’s basically what happened in South Korea in late October 2016.

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John CarrollComment
Crouching Emoji, Hidden Demon

Many people around the world seem to finally be waking up to the conspiracies that have been discussed on Quite Frankly for years now. In defense of them just now arriving to the party, these conspiracies often go back decades or longer, are multi-layered and require certain prerequisite knowledge to fully grasp. In contrast, the Professor Bulwer Smythe channel on YouTube has produced something rather remarkable. Their video, The Demonic Truth Behind Emojis, exposes the players and very disturbing history behind the now ubiquitous emojis. It is extremely clean-cut, and to the point. In less than ten minutes, they seem to have an open and shut case. The only real questions we’re left with are about the implications of this conspiracy being true.

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The Arms Race of Ideas Part III: Draining the Swamp

The media’s role in creating and spreading propaganda has been well documented on Quite Frankly, but doing so came with the responsibility of maintaining the Overton Window, in order to keep their forced reality intact. That task became increasingly difficult with the advent of new media, and seemingly impossible once Donald Trump entered politics. Unable to prevent new ideas from challenging their own, the media now tries to twist them into something else, in an attempt to obfuscate their true power. An important example of this reactive strategy can be found in a Washington Post article about President Trump’s visit to Andrew Jackson’s grave, just two months into his first term.

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John CarrollComment
The Arms Race of Ideas Part II: A Titanic Conspiracy

If an elite group of people truly conspired to seize control of the world, their first goal would have been to understand the mechanics of the world. How do the gears of the world interlock? Which gears dictate the movement of others? Almost a thousand years ago, the Knights Templar seemed to have figured out that money is truly what makes the world go round.

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John CarrollComment