A Wedding Wish from the White House

Saturday night my mother swung by with an envelope made out for Lauren and I, Mr. and Mrs.  My mother obviously didn't think much of the letter, because she gave it to me as if it were a copy of the Pennysaver.  Still, she was in the room when I caught the return address: 

The White House.  Washington, DC  20500

All at once it came rushing back to me how Lauren had mentioned she sent a wedding invitation to the White House to see if she could get an official response from The President in time for our May 2017 date.  Well May 2017 came and went, and we moved on with a shrug of the shoulders, but here we are now, in June of 2018, and we have a letter from the Executive Mansion itself! Take a look...


We know that the likelihood this was handled personally is slim, but it was still nice to see this arrive —even if it arrived as we celebrated our one-year anniversary...and how grand is that White House stationary, right? 
