Show Notes: POTUS & Political Warfare Memo, by Rich Higgins


In preparation for Rich Higgins’ upcoming appearance on Quite Frankly, here is the hit-piece published by The Bulwark. Apparently Mr. Higgins has attracted the attention of the President and the Conspiracy Theorist smears began right up:

And here’s his famous memo that sent the deep state into a teeth-gnashing frenzy:

Higgins was a member of the National Security Counsel in the leaky days of 2017. He wrote the memo to expose the Marxist/Hegelian roots of Trump’s enemies, and how the tactics of the Frankfurt School are employed in the modern Cultural Marxism crusade to destroy America. Specifically, the memo describes how political correctness is weaponized by the media as part of a three-pronged propaganda campaign, which operates in conjunction with infiltration and subversion efforts.

General H. R. McMaster promptly removed Higgins from the NSC upon discovering the memo. He then proceeded to purge Ezra Cohen-Watnick and other NSC officials suspected of remaining loyal to General Michael Flynn.

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