What Are You Thankful For?

With the Thanksgiving season underway, we wanted to highlight what the Quite Frankly community is most thankful for. Your answers were full of love and gratitude.

Check out some of your submissions and if you haven't yet answered the prompt, be sure to contribute for a chance to be included in an upcoming episode of the show. 

I am thankful for the connections God affords every day through people, events, and the natural world. It is through them that I am able to learn, seek truth, and work toward discovering and fulfilling my purpose in life.

- Vesper from Wisconsin

I'm thankful that after a rough 3 years, our beautiful son was born perfectly healthy and amazing, and that we got literally zero pushback from nurses and doctors regarding our desire to completely avoid all vaccines. He's so happy and healthy.

-Derrick from PA

I am thankful that God has given me the ability to raise my son in the town I grew up in. So far we are outside the reaches of the urban sprawl and decay. A place where they still recite the Pledge of Allegiance at school and the teachers don't announce their sexual habits to the students. A place where we can attend Sunday Mass without worry that some green haired retard won't try to start some inclusive gay bible study. There is a widow in her 80s that lives up the street from me. She leaves treats on my front porch for my dog when she is out walking. I can leave for a few days and the neighbors will keep an eye on things. People walk down the street and still wave and say "HI". I may not be rich but I can leave work everyday knowing my position won't be replaced with a robot. The town Fourth of July celebration is still a patriotic affair. Small Town Ohio. I love it.

-Jaylon Wennings

JESUS, Freedom, and Hope.


This year I am grateful and thankful to have spent 11 years with my best fried, boxer dog bella. May she rest peacefully.


I am thankful for every moment that I experience with my mother and have experienced with my father (who passed away this year). While life happens so fast and is often filled with mundane tasks, such as folding their laundry or helping with new technology, it's those moments that I cherish most because one day they will only be memories and would give anything to relive again. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

-Rosie in Arizona

I am most thankful for my wife Robin and for my reversion to my faith.

-Mike Rogan

I am definitely most thankful for family, health, and God. This here, depending on the election, the outcomes might join that list.

-Buckeye Steve

Thankful for my wife of 16 years and family that I have left that are still around. I am also thankful for finding Quite Frankly after 2020 and became awake to the propaganda and now have a place and a like community to listen to to help with the liberal nonsense of SF bay area.


Every morning I try to remind myself of the basics: sobriety, a loving wife and healthy children, a home, working automobile, a career, food in the pantry, hobbies to pursue. The simpler the better for me, otherwise I complicate things. Also thankful to have found this show and the book club.


My husband and I are grateful for regular interactions with our small but mighty family (including my 95 yr old father), friends that 'get it' and our little piece of heaven in Georgia where we bask in the glory of nature every day.

-Marisu and Jeff from Georgia

After a very challenging year filled with many extremes and health scares, I'm grateful to have those I love the most in this world still by my side. 

-Krista from Pittsburgh

We are thankful for God's greatest gift to us-- our Grandchildren.


Every day I awake with gratitude in my heart for God giving me a chance to experience this wonderful life with my family, on this beautiful planet, Earth, in this extraordinary universe. But, most recently, this little cutie has my family's heart filled with even more gratitude and joy. My little grandnephew, Dustin.

-Katie in Austin

I’m so thankful for the many blessings that God has poured out on me and my family. A wonderful wife, a beautiful baby boy, and another baby boy arriving next week. But, most of all, for the gift of salvation through our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

-Kevin from Lewisville, Texas

I am beyond thankful this year. I am so thankful that Ben was able to have life saving heart surgery in Boston this year. I am so thankful for you, your family and the audience. We are so thankful to be a part of this wonderful community.

-Captainwiggles (Annamarie from Illinois)

A year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. Even though I was incredibly healthy otherwise, and had no injections (if you know what I mean). Thankfully I had seen your episodes with J Gullinello and this led me to try and find how to treat it metabolically. Unfortunately that information is still very censored and hard to find. However, moving to a full Keto diet was able to help me tremendously. I experienced first hand how they use fear to coerce you into the standard treatment protocols. Not having found all the info I needed at the time I was left with having major surgery on my tongue and neck followed by 6 weeks of radiation (thank God no chemo). I was going through this exactly a year ago and by Thanksgiving I was receiving the last of the radiation. It was hell. I could not speak, and could not eat anything. Drinking was excruciatingly painful. I was down to 125lbs. Thanksgiving 2023 was the lowest I have ever been, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I have since recovered and am cancer free. I have continued my research on the metabolic approach with diet, natural cancer-fighting remedies, supplements, and fasting. The only medications I take are Ivermectin and Fenbendazole. A couple months ago I had a recurrence, and I beat it 100% with this natural protocol! If I had the knowledge I have now, I think I could have beat it without the radiation and surgery. This Thanksgiving will be special to me because (while my taste is still not 100% back) I can have Thanksgiving dinner with my family again. I remind myself of this every day as I am still in this fight, that EVERY DAY IS A GIFT.

-Eric from Reno, Nevada

I'm most thankful for my children. I feel so honored to be the mother of three outstanding humans, and to be mother-in-law to their wonderful partners. They are my whole heart.

-Jena from SC

I could write a novel of what I’m thankful for, but I am so grateful for natural beauty in God’s creation. There are so many gorgeous places I’ve been fortunate to experience, and even more I’ve yet to see. I’m fortunate to live in an area that experiences all four seasons and it’s amazing to watch the environment change. Sometimes it’s crazy how fast time lapses over a year, but I’m glad I get to soak up every season in all it’s glory. This autumn seems especially extraordinary— the peak of the trees exploding with vibrant colors, blue skies and fluffy clouds painted against breathtaking dusks and dawns, and no two days are alike. So many times I’ve found myself in awe just driving down the same roads I’ve traveled hundreds of times. It’s simple, but it’s a blessing.
