Localizing Perspective Amid the Shot Heard ‘Round the World
John Carroll Highlights the Power of New Media as the Race for the White House Intensifies
My fellow Franklies,
One of the most effective forms of resistance against the New World Order is to simply ignore it whenever possible, and to instead shift your focus to your local communities. This approach allows you to set realistic short-term goals, and places the responsibility for your success in your own hands. You also deprive the NWO of oxygen when you think and act locally. The same concept applies to new media, but this is a special case, because new media isn’t geographically local. The nature of the internet is inherently global, so the simplest meme from the smallest person has the power to alter the course of humanity.
Case in point: The biggest challenge currently plaguing the Democrat Party is the lack of a presidential candidate with a reasonable chance of winning in November. Not a candidate, mind you, who can win outright, but a candidate whose victory, even if won through fraud, would at least be believable by most of the electorate. What they need now more than ever is a superstar with universal name recognition, White House experience, a halfway-decent reputation, and who, ideally, checks all the DEI boxes. In other words, they need Michelle Obama.
There’s just one problem – one big, girthy, veiny problem.
As we’ve seen over the last few election cycles, and most blatantly over the past few weeks, the Democrat Party elites select their preferred candidate in spite of the will of their voters. Mrs. Obama is unquestionably a more formidable candidate than Kamala, but that one problem was probably seen as just too big to handle. It’s very possible that an analysis in the highest halls of power determined as much, since social media would inevitably become saturated with memes and clips of her bulge. Even if it weren’t true (it is), your gleeful sabotage of her hypothetical campaign would be unstoppable. Trump himself would probably be drowned out at his own rallies with chants of, “Big Mike!” every time he mentioned his opponent.
Now consider all that in the context of current global affairs. Leaders in Western Europe are frantically preparing for war with Russia, and perhaps the only thing stopping Vladimir Putin from preemptively steamrolling across the continent is the likelihood that cooler heads will soon take power in the West. The path to peace looks promising because, again, the Trump campaign isn’t threatened by a serious political challenger. Therefore, it’s not unreasonable to speculate that people like you, who have the courage to publicly mock a powerful woman’s penis, are partly responsible for thus far preventing WWIII.
Never in history has a citizenry wielded such an equalizing power against its rulers, and with so little effort. How many wars of the past would have been impossible to start if today’s technology and skeptical culture had been around to cry foul? How different would the world look today? For that matter, how different does the world look today from what it was projected to look like just fifty years ago? How many bullets have you dodged without even realizing it? How much damage have you yourselves already inflicted without realizing it?
It’s difficult to precisely quantify the fog of opportunity cost, especially at the international level, but the positive results of new media are readily observable in your daily lives. Many of your children have been pulled out of public schools, or otherwise shielded from harmful lies. Some of you relocated to greener pastures, and stockpiled emergency supplies. Some of you found God. Pure blood flows through your veins.
Nobody can say for sure what we’re about to go through. The Fourth Turning? A nuclear war? A great solar flare? A zombie apocalypse? The actual Apocalypse? Whatever it is, simply knowing that something challenging and transformative is on the horizon puts you head and shoulders above those who aren’t awake. Further, the clues about what the future holds aren’t neatly compiled for public consumption. They must be pieced together with resilience, bit by bit, and year after year.
The wealth of knowledge you’ve obtained is your reward for walking the path of the truth. The path is painful, and the price to pay is often the loss of friends and family, and feelings of isolation. Yet, you walked it anyway, because you value justice, honor, and beauty. You walked it because it was the right thing to do. Then somewhere along the way, your stars pointed you here, to Quite Frankly, and you realized you are not alone.
That particular facet of the show, the community, really hit home for me about three weeks ago when I was driving across the country. The news had been slow, and it was a weekend, so it seemed safe to be without a computer for a few days. The date was July 13th. “Surely nothing will happen today,” I thought. Oh me oh my.
I checked into a motel just after crossing the Mississippi, and opened the Quite Frankly Telegram. “OF ALL THE DAYS…” I texted Frank, and he said he was heading to the studio. I was too exhausted to watch the show live, so I told him I would catch it later, and I’m glad I did. Like most of you, I usually have the livestream up on my computer, but I had to get back on the road, so I listened to it in podcast form. It’s a completely different experience, and that was a completely different show.
I personally can’t stand the aftermath of violent or tragic events. You always have the armchair quarterbacks offering their analysis before any of the facts come in, and the soulless political hacks trying to manipulate public opinion before the bodies are even cold. Worst of all is the demonic energy swirling through the air. It’s like a vampiric feeding frenzy on traumatically-generated energy. The whole thing is just ghoulish.
Nevertheless, I was obviously going to listen to the show – in a new, strange form, under a cloud of strange energy, while driving through Nowhere, Illinois, at three in the morning. As you guys and girls called in, I could hear the emotion behind your voices clearer than I ever had before. It was remarkable how much more immersed in the show I felt when the visual aspect was suspended. It was like driving through a dream. If you’re typically inclined to watch the show instead of listening to it in podcast form, I recommend you take Frank’s advice and give it a chance. It’s quite cozy.
In the wake of the assassination attempt, obviously nobody had any solid answers, but what struck me most was how many of you called in simply to thank Frank for being on with you that night. I could hear the fear and confusion. It was shock, and shock is a deeply personal experience. Trump may have been the target, but all of us came within a couple millimeters of having our lives turned upside down in the worst way possible. The only relief we had was each other, and that’s what this is all about.
I’ll catch you on the flipside,
John Carroll