Show Notes: Coronavirus Puzzle Pieces

This is a thread of links and resources used to put together the 1/23/20 episode of Quite Frankly (embedded below) — adding to this will be an ongoing process:

Look at this mix of reporting today:

Wuhan quarantine expands as Chinese fear authorities not telling full story about coronavirus outbreak:  -- the WHO, the same people who kept lying about the seriousness of Ebola in Africa over the summer — a situation that we no longer hear anything about

and then this -- that map doesn’t look benign to me

and then this -- that map doesn’t look benign to me   in fact it’s like Cancelling Christmas

As of 11:29pm 1/23/20 we have confirmed cases in Washington state, Texas, and now one that may be in New Jersey:

Random Initial Thoughts:

And just to remind you: cdc estimates over 50,000 people die from influenza every year

So why wall to wall coverage over 17 deaths on a planet of 8 billion? (now 25 deaths)

Are we about to be sold a new vaccine?  

Are they’re lying about how bad the numbers actually are to keep hysteria under control?

But if so, wouldn’t the ENTIRETY of the media covering the situation be counterproductive?

Is this an experiment or drill of some kind? 

Here is where it gets weirder:

Netflix has a new show coming out:

It has been 100 years since a deadly influenza virus killed 50 to 100 million people at a time when the global population was just 2 billion. Now that humanity’s numbers have ballooned to nearly 8 billion, medical researchers believe another epidemic is inevitable. The problem: we’re not ready for it.

Large-scale outbreaks could spread across the United States within one month and then across the globe in another four weeks. Pandemic explores how the healthcare communities in both urban and rural areas in countries such as America and India are ill-prepared for such an event. Compounding the growing concern is the rise in anti-vaccine positioning from parents, which puts a greater number of children at risk and increases the odds of widespread contraction.

And then this is going to blow your mind: Are you kidding me? This event was held 3 months ago in NYC at John Hopkins... guess what they used as a hypothetical virus? —- The coronavirus.

For its most recent “exercise,” called Event 201 which was held in New York City in October, the Center for Health Security partnered with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to engage 15 leaders in business, government, and public health to model response to a worldwide coronavirus pandemic. At the start of the exercise, the world was 3 months in, and there were already more than 500,000 cases globally.

And who was on the guest list for Event 201? The UN , China center for disease control, world bank, and the CIA all in attendance

In this link you can watch a 5 minute video where the hypothetical collapse of the nation unfolds — which not only describes the collapse of economy and the workforce, but also the incapacitation of the President, and Vice President, making the Speaker of the House as acting chief executive:

  • Coronavirus patented 2015:

  • Comes out of nowhere in the last 1-2 weeks - massive preparatory media coverage despite low infection rate at the time and still very low death count (25 deaths as of this publishing on 11:48pm EST 1/23/20)

  • Johns Hopkins has been preparing for months

    • Event 201 partnered with Bill and Melinda Gates and World Economic Forum (President in Davos this week)

  • Netflix in production for months, releases new special right on time

  • Denigration of vaccine skeptics, promotion of Bill and Melinda Gates

  • Spanish Flu comparisons from the get-go - Narratives have been Static

2/13/20  (CORONA VIRUS – sarcasm... it’s not a flu.  Even people who voluntarily turn themselves in for quarantine are hand-cuffed... reports of fires... strange drone activity..  and as for poor video quality and explaining how the Chinese are getting around government censorship

All happening at the time when this comes out:   and remember last summer Louie Gohmert last summer?  He said no Question China had access to Hillary’s illegal top secret Server... whether it was a hack or negotiated access who knows... but there has been a steady exposing of Chinese infiltration... now this.

Creator Of US BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon | Zero Hedge

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