MINDWAR: Culture in the Crosshairs (Show Notes)

The Monday evening after Super Bowl 2020 we spent some time on what has become normal subversion through television: the Superbowl Burlesque Shows, these really Militaristic Gender Liberation ploys, and more... Tonight we are going to be talking about more about the culture... not only the natural ebb and flow, rise and fall, that we see play out time and time again... BUT HOW we have been figured out for a long time and our weaknesses have been exploited by those who wish to control us... and as centuries and millennia drag on, the ability to control larger and larger groups of people became not only more and more possible, but HARDER TO DETECT...

So lets start with some basics... Some of your already know, I am a fan of Camille Paglia.  She votes democrat/green party – she’s a lesbian, but she hates the Clintons (especially Hillary), political correctness, post-modernism, much of feminism outside of the first wave – and she’s criticized for being a Global Warming Denier too (how dare she) which is why even she has said “I don’t get along with lesbians at all. They don’t like me and I don’t like them” - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/13/camille-paglia-feminism-based-on-destroying-men-is-absolute-poison-to-culture/

And she also made some unforgettable commentary on Late-Phase Culture, Transgenderism, back in 2016 – that I think would be useful for tonight’s show...


I love the part about Alienation – I mean, as a personalized example with Paglia – she’s alienated from other lesbians because inside of that bubble there is an artificially assigned political affiliation and set of beliefs – when you break from that you realize your membership with the club was less than skin deep

Black Conservatives know once you start thinking for yourself, skin color doesn’t afford you the privileges it once did --

....but that concept of alienation is going to be important as we move throughout the show tonight –Alienating people is KEY to controlling them and their environment....and whereas alienation and division happens naturally, on the scale we are seeing now? It screams Subversion... from enemies within and without...

and when it comes down to those enemies within, their methods almost ALWAYS come down to removing Traditional Family configurations, removing or discouraging belief in a Higher Power, and exposing you to more sex and drugs than the brain can handle. 

Paglia mentioned Weimar Germany (again 1919 until the 30’s) was a modern example of this sort of societal decline...  Heavy drug use, prostitution, child brothels, – and a very sex-heavy film industry.... that’s right, 1930’s German Tinseltown was selling all types of trash, by all the same people who write it and sell it today.  I’ll put it to you like this... Harvey Weinstein’s of the 1930’s


And Weimer Germany also gave us the Frankfurt School and Critical Theory... which was built on George Hegel’s argument that there are no Absolutes... there is no black and white truth... there are only shades of grey – all with keen aim at destroying Tradition and especially Religion because with those gone, there is a huge void to be filled by Central Planners.


One of Hegel’s most famous admirers was Karl Marx...

So Germans were guinea pigs for the Marxists and for the Pessimissm Pushed by the Frankfurt School, and from there came the seeds of multiculturalism, and Political Correctness – weapons that are still used today.  In many ways, you can say that Weimar Germany was a DRESS REHERSAL for what was rolled out in the United States in the 60’s and 70’s – especially with Second Wave Feminism and the bra burning and the sexual revolution

Now on sex as a weapon... You know I’m no prude, what people do behind closed doors GAY OR STRAIGHT is no matter to me as long as it is behind closed doors... Which I think is the biggest problem we have overall today – VERY LITTLE IS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS ANYMORE... Modern Sex Education is based purely on Brave New World...

but I have been sitting on this study for weeks now and I think it is the perfect time to bring it out because it sets the stage as to how sex can, has, and WILL continue to be used as important piece of mass-mind control:


The above Article was based on lifetime of research by Oxford social anthropologist J.D. Unwin, who wrote the book ‘Sex and Culture’ ... the book was only a summary of his findings – his writings suggest he was a rationalist, believing that science is our ultimate tool of inquiry (it appears he was not a religious man).

Unwin examines the data from 86 societies and civilizations to see if there is a relationship between sexual freedom and the flourishing of cultures. What makes the book especially interesting is that we in the West underwent a sexual revolution in the late 1960’s, 70’s, and 80’s and are now in a position to test the conclusions he arrived at more than 40 years earlier.  

So History shows we are already susceptible to these cultural downturns... so what happens when our own weaknesses (our vices) are wielded as a weapon to subdue and destroy us?

Michael Aquino - Founder/High Priest - Temple of Set

Michael Aquino - Founder/High Priest - Temple of Set

– we can start to see why these triggers were developed into base level psyop programs... and then as we progress further into the modern age with the advent of mass communication, and eventually the algorithmic anonymity of internet... we really are sitting ducks...


Michael Aquino... A former Lt. Colonel in the United States Army, Aquino had been a specialist in psychological warfare operations during the Vietnam War – he founded the Temple of Set – Satanic Church. and he has his own chapter in Bill Cooper’s book Behold a Pale Horse  -- we are going to do a SECOND NIGHT on this creep because his resume is jaw-dropping... Special Forces, Psychological Warfare Specialist, Satanic High Priest, Pedophile – has his fingerprints all over the Franklin Scandal, too – I’m working on this.

In 1989, Aquino said the membership of his Church numbers ranged from 100 to 1,000. Noting that people under age 18 are not allowed to join, he said most "so-called satanists are teen-agers who have been raised in the Judeo-Christian tradition and are dabbling in the occult based on their own interpretations, not ours. We (members of the Temple of Set) see ourselves philosophically and theologically as the most precise religion in the world."

Mind War, Written by Aquino in 2003 -- https://www.wanttoknow.info/mk/mindwar-michael-aquino.pdf

So there is an idea of where our own Government has gone to apply the knowledge collected on human tendencies and behavior in efforts to control and subdue them without firing a shot (at least not at first). It’s also an idea as to the types of people who have been in charge of developing these programs, and the value systems they apply in the process.

Now thinking of how far the internet has come since then... Michael from Maryland (listener of the show) gave me something to think about.. and it perfectly ties in the first half of the show... the targeting of Religion, Tradition, and the systematic Alienation of people. Here is a thread from 4chan in 2017 explaining an automated layer of mind control that may have worked itself into the the equation… Get a load of this shit:


So think of the layers building... we have our own natural tendencies to rise and fall.  Then add MindWar waged by not only foreign and domestic governments, but by the smaller, compartmentalized, autonomous groups within them! And then finally we have the digital feedback loop that is the internet, in which billions of people are now plugged nonstop.

Then think Zach Vorhees and Robert Epstein...

And ladies and gentlemen we are only scratching the surface...

Bonus: Re-watch the 1980’s interviews with former KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov. Here is a often-referenced-to sheet that breaks down the Soviet Subversion Process, which was used in the United States rather successfully….

subversion process.jpg
Frankie ValComment