Show Notes: PlanDemic Documentary

Show notes for the 5/5/20 broadcast of Quite Frankly. After the night was finished I was able to watch the new PlanDemic documentary (embedded below) and was delighted to see we had touched on many of these points in tonight’s show alone. Some of the doctors we mentioned tonight are in the doc, the concerns about poor treatment options, the high death rate of those who go onto ventilators, the suppression of proven therapies in order to maximize pain, the censorship, the clear propaganda - it’s all in this. I will have some other thoughts prepared for the 5/6/20 broadcast, but in the meantime here is the documentary, and below the embed is going to be random thoughts and links from the 5/5 show notes.

This entire Pandemic experience has become a acutely focused push for full spectrum dominance over people:

Embrace your mask, it’s your new identity:

More pressing for the end of economic indepdendence: sturgeon-coronavirus-a9498076.html?

It’s always the same people and organizations, sifting through the bodies looking for ways to sell disarmament, welfare, censorship; tinkering with the atmosphere, pushing mandated medicine, and now Lockdowns and AI social controls

You may have seen the video of the nurse Nicole Sirotek I put her video in the interesting shite playlist for as long as youtube allows it to be up… documenting how incompetence from doctors and nurses are killing people in droves.

Which goes hand in hand with Dr Kyle Sidell’s testimony that the ventilators are killing the patients – that we’re treating this the wrong way – that perhaps the disease is more of an issue with the blood

Which goes hand in hand with the reporting that confirms – at least in new York - 80% of people who go on ventilators die.:

We also know they’re inflating the death by casting the widest net possible. We’ve heard from funeral home directors and hospitals about the financial inscentives for counting people as COVID positive. And to that point – i dont even assume it’s a scheme that is making the system lots of money either.

I was told that a nearby hospital loses around 26 million dollars a day because NO ONE IS HAVING SURGERY DONE. And not just elective surgery – we’re sometimes talking cancer procedures. Hospitals are cutting staff. sound-data

Honorable Mention: Poopy called in Monday with this story out of Tanzania:

Key Paragraph: “On Sunday, Magufuli cast doubt on the facility’s data by saying government officials secretly sent swabs to the NHL that were labeled as human, but had been taken from a live goat, a bird and a papaya fruit. All three swabs tested positive for the virus, he said.”