Was Lucifer Enthroned in the Vatican?

Written by John Carroll


Just weeks before the transmission of the prophetic Third Secret by Our Lady of Fatima in 1917, Italian Freemasons celebrated the 200th anniversary of the founding of their order by marching in St. Peter’s Square. According to St. Maximilian Kolbe who attended the march, the participants carried signs which read, “Satan must reign in the Vatican. The Pope will be his slave.”

Were they successful?

In July 2019, Church Militant received documents from the Archdiocese of Chicago regarding credible rape allegations against their former Archbishop, which had been covered up by Vatican officials since 1993. The complaint even reached Pope John Paul II, and detailed a satanic ritual conducted in South Carolina in 1957. The rites of the ritual included the rape of the victim (then an 11-year-old girl) and the desecration of the Holy Eucharist.

This account is eerily similar to the appalling scenes in the prologue of the novel Windswept House, by Father Malachi Martin. It should be noted that Martin is shrouded in well-deserved controversy, especially for failing to live a priestly life in some instances. However, after some research, I discovered that the EXACT SAME WOMAN from the Church Militant report told Martin her story in 1990, which he used as the premise for the satanic ritual in the novel. Martin names her Agnes to protect her identity.

What Martin describes in Windswept House was no ordinary satanic ritual; it was THE satanic ritual, in which extremely high-ranking clergy summoned Lucifer himself up from Hell, and enthroned him in the sacred halls of the Vatican. In an interview with Bernard Janzen, Martin stated that the enthronement of Lucifer is an historical fact (20:25). He said that 85% of the characters in the novel are real people and 95% of the events are true, and that it’s “all cloaked in novelistic form to make it easier to digest” (03:42).

Martin’s full account of the enthronement in the novel can be found here (pg. 7-20). WARNING: It’s extremely disturbing. The following is a watered-down and more bearable summary of his account:

The Enthronement of the Fallen Angel Lucifer was planned on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul, which had just happened eight days earlier. The ceremony would take place in the Chapel of St. Paul for good measure.

For the Enthronement to succeed, the unbloody representation of the Sacrifice of the Nameless Weakling on the Cross must be replaced by the supreme and bloody violation of the dignity of the Nameless One. Guilt must be accepted as innocence. Pain must give joy. Grace, repentance, pardon must all be drowned in an orgy of opposites – the ultimate ritual of treachery.

Because of the extravagance of the ritual, many of the rites, with associated accoutrements, must be performed at a “Targeting Chapel” to avoid alerting Vatican security. This task would be carried out by a trusted bishop in South Carolina. Communicating by telephone, it would all be a matter of unanimity of hearts, identity of intention and perfect synchronization of words and actions between the Targeting Chapel and the Target Chapel. The living wills and the thinking minds of the Participants concentrated on the specific Aim of the Prince would transcend all distance.

Pentagrams and black candles appeared in both chapels. In the Chapel of St. Paul, a throne had been placed next to the Altar. The Tabernacle on the Altar was covered with a blood-red veil, and black cloths with satanic symbols covered the famous paintings of Jesus and Paul. In the much larger Targeting Chapel, the Snake Shield and the Bell of Infinity hung from red and black pillars. To the right of the Altar stood a cage with a sedated puppy and another with a dove, surrounded by vials of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Kneeler chairs aligned in a semi-circle around the alter were flanked by a bowl of bones.

The participants consisted of cardinals, bishops, priests and some of the most respectable lay people in society. Those in Rome wore their normal cassocks and suits. The American participants undressed completely before donning red, sleeveless, v-neck robes. They each grabbed fistfuls of bones out of the bowl, rattling them and humming a ritual din as they knelt at their places. One of red-robed participants held his daughter Agnes in his lap, who was also sedated and clothed in a long, white gown.

Agnes was injected with another dose of drugs and went limp as she was lifted out of her father’s lap and laid on the Altar. The Bell of Infinity rang and the participants rose to their feet and began to loudly chant an ancient chant, which was echoed in the Vatican.

Then, silence. The bishop took a crucifix and laid it upside down against the Altar. “Let us invoke!” he exclaimed, while making a goat sign with his hand. “I believe in One Power,” he began. The participants in both chapels responded, “and its name is Cosmos.” “I believe in the Only Begotten Son of the Cosmic Dawn,” he continued. “And his name is Lucifer,” the participants responded again.

The bishop then reached into the cage and pinned the puppy with one hand while he dissected its organs with the other, prolonging the poor creature’s agony and whipping the participants into a bloodthirsty frenzy. He brought the first part of the ceremony to a close with the words, “I believe that the Prince of This World will be Enthroned this night in the Ancient Citadel, and from there He will create a New Community.”

Next, blood was drawn from a finger of Agnes. The bishop, rubbing the blood on his hand said, “This, the Blood of our Victim, has been shed so that our service to the Prince may be complete. So that he may reign supreme in the House of Jacob, in the New Land of the Elect.” The priest, raising the Chalice and Host, responded, “I take You with me, All-Pure Victim. I take you to the unholy north. I take you to the Summit of the Prince.”

The wine in the Chalice and the Host were transubstantiated and the participants filed by the Altar to receive an unholy communion. Then the bishop and the priest raped Agnes on the Altar in a horrific act of sacrilege.

With the sacrifice complete, the bishop led the ceremony to its culmination:

“By the Power invested in me as Parallel Celebrant of the Sacrifice and the Parallel Fulfiller of the Enthronement, I lead all here and in Rome in invoking you, Prince of All Creatures! In the name of all gathered in this Chapel and of all the Brothers of the Roman Chapel, invoke you, O Prince!”

“Come, take possession of the enemy’s house. Enter into a place that has been prepared for you. Descend among your faithful servitors, who have prepared your bed, who have erected your Altar and blessed it with infamy.”

“Under Sacrosanct instructions from the Mountaintop, In the name of all the Brethren, I now adore you, Prince of Darkness. With the stole of all unholiness, I now place in your hands the Triple Crown of Peter according to the adamantine will of Lucifer, so that you reign here. So that there One Church be, One Church from Sea to Sea, One Vast and Mighty Congregation of Man and Woman, of animal and plant. So that our Cosmos again be one, unbound and free.”

In the target chapel, it was completed with the announcement: “By mandate of the Assembly and the Sacrosanct Elders, I do institute, authorize and recognize this Chapel, to be known henceforth as the Inner Chapel, as taken, possessed and appropriated wholly by him whom we have Enthroned as Lord and Master of our human fate.”


Finally, all participants in Rome and South Carolina swore an oath to serve Lucifer and the Universal Church of Man with their blood. A little silver bell rang three times in the Chapel of St. Paul, and was echoed by the Bell of Infinity in the Targeting Chapel. The ceremony was ended and the congregations adjourned.

The members in the Vatican emerged into the Court of St. Damasus in the small hours of the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul. Some of the cardinals and a few of the bishops acknowledged the salutes of the respectful security guards with an absentminded cross of priestly blessing traced in the air, as they entered their limousines. Within moments, the walls of St. Paul’s Chapel glowed with their lovely paintings and frescoes of Christ, and of the Apostle Paul whose name the latest Peter-in-the-Line had taken.

To conclude, here’s an actual quote from a homily delivered by Pope Paul VI on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul in 1972: