The New Forum and The Coming Storm of Upgrades

We’re halfway through February and I’m starting to get excited for a lot of the new updates that are coming to all phases of the operation here. Earlier this week we finally added a forum to the show’s footprint in the form of a Quite Frankly subreddit and I must say it’s cozy as hell. My hope for the forum is that we are able to build threads on a number of evolving topics during the coming months and years. The Questions, community research, polls, and everything that we build there have a chance to not only end up in the nightly broadcasts, but when we start experimenting with the Network format, the possibilities will be limitless.

And speaking of what will be the Quite Frankly Network, we are waiting on DLive now. The moment we are able to find a way to embed the DLive video and chat clients, it is going to replace the Twitch stream as the centerpiece of the Official Website. Once that is the case then we may consider shopping around for new Domains so that can be re-branded to include the larger network format — which is really just an extension of the nightly show….all of the things I just can’t fit into two hours.

In March it will be time for another fundraiser. Last year we took care of key aesthetic needs, a new computer, furniture, connectors, and more. This year the theme is going to be AUDIO. We need everything from Headphones to Headphone racks; microphones to tri-pods; fresh cables, grounding, and perhaps even a whole new sound mixer. After that it will be time to replace the current video switchboard program that has been used in studio broadcast operations for many years. My loyalties to VidBlaster are beginning to wear thin as I’m starting to suspect this is the real culprit behind our connectivity issues…although I will welcome Verizon with open arms when they finally complete the job at the studio building.

That’s all for now.

Frankie ValComment