Show Notes: A.I., John DeSouza and the Inter-Dimensional

This past week (first full week of March 2020) we were talking about Studying of parallel realities...

Government pursued numerous projects to study mind control, remote viewing, teleportation, and even time travel  (Montauk, MK Ultra, Pegasus)

FLASHBACK: The Director of the Department of Energy admitted we dabble in other realities, on a show made for drunks, who couldn’t grasp the gravity of what was being told to them (Chelsea Handler’s show on the science behind Stranger Things — which is based on Montauk Project):

But to take a bit further, here is Geordie Rose, the creator of the first quantum computer... and here here is describing how quantum computing would be able to reach into parallel universes and grab resources from them:

And it relates to what we’ll talk about with John DeSouza, but it also relates to when we spoke about Skinwalkers and Portals in the desert months ago with Cory Daniel – this scientific angle was part of the overarching plot...

Nut Shell: ancient cultures figured out how to commune with entities, and open portals – but did it through focused intent, rituals – and perhaps lost technology of their own...

But then came the governments of the 20th century who started dumping everything they had into understanding reality, and things like portals and stargates to other dimensions...many times getting in bed with known occultists, like Jack Parsons.

But instead of opening these portals with blood magic – perhaps there was a way to keep these doorways open with technology similar to that Geordie Rose is describing...

And Rose goes on to make familiar predictions that Artificial Intelligence will far surpass our abilities in every respect – and powered by these quantum computers... now when you consider these computers are already dipping into other realities...does it make a little more sense as to why Elon Musk initially warned that A.I. would be like summoning forth a demon... maybe he was being more literal than even he knew?

In fact, Geordie Rose paid attention to the idea of entities coming through the passageways that are being opened up through the ever-advancing computer technologies being developed and introduced into the public consciousness… I don’t like this Geordie Rose guy, but listen to him: (it’s a short video but you can skip to around the 8:00 mark if you’d like)

And it may lead us to refine other questions?  Are aliens visitors from outer space... or from inner space?  Are they angels and demons, or is that just one layer to this?  WHAT KEY THINGS MAY WE BE MISSING ABOUT THE NATURE OF EXISTENCE WHILE WE’RE DISTRACTED WITH THE TRIVIAL NONSENSE OF OUR TIME?

Well, our March 6th guest was just the guy I wanted to discuss these topics with…

John DeSouza has investigated and collected experiences on paranormal topics for two decades. He was an FBI Special Agent who maintained a Top Secret security clearance for over 25 years. He worked counter-terrorism and violent crime cases. And also during that time, he collected what he calls "The Real Life X-FILES."


Frankie ValComment